4 shared
4 shared is a great site to store data for free . I used it several years ago on my old blackberry to download music . On the computer it is far better . It allows you to store up to 10GB of data on the cloud , which is very useful for storing any files (such as pictures and videos) so i don't use all my school computer's memory . and as its stored on the cloud so i can use the files from anywhere with an internet connection.
Photobucket is a site used to upload and share videos for free . This is useful for storing any image and video files i will need or could ever need in my work . I can use the site to upload them , and then download them from any device i need . This helps because i can get all my pictures and video as home , without the need of a USB. essentially , by using photobucket , I can lave all of my stuff there and collect it when needed from whatever device i need them on .
Google calendar is an app that i use regularly on my phone in substitution of the default apple calendar app . I find it far more user friendly , as you can personalize all of the events i set on there. It's especially useful for setting homework deadlines as i will be alerted to do them or when they're due on my phone . the app also works in sync with my Google account , so i can sync all my contacts on my account/on my phone to set up events and reminders on both the site and the app . overall , a very useful app which is both attractive on the eye and very user friendly .
TubeChop is just so helpful . its perfect for editing clips into just the right part you want ! which is brilliant for adding tiny clips into work etc . it is also good for any presentations you want to add a clip into , such as to make a point , share some information , or deliver a punchline to a very poor joke
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