Friday, 29 April 2016

Question 7

 My progress during the production of both magazines has advanced very far. firstly , my ability to use fireworks has gotten a lot better. this is apparent in the layout of my work . i have learned how to add guidelines to my work. this helps it to look far more neatly arranged /set out , making my magazine look more sleek and professional. my improvement in editing has also shown . this is particularly visible in the picture quality and effects placed on the text and images. i especially learned how to use a wide variety of newer technologies that link in with the production of my magazine. for example , i was able to download new fonts online using DaFont to get a font for my masthead that perfectly fitted the style of my music magazine. this was one of the things that hindered my school magazine as i didn't have access to any of other fonts besides the default fonts on fireworks . adding effects to my work has also greatly improved the overall quality of my products. for example , i have learned how to add drop shadows and glows to my shapes and text on my magazine pages.  this is to make each layer stand out and to give it a much more 3 dimensional feel . unlike my school magazine that looked very flat , blocky and 2D.
the ability to modify the leading and keening on my text has provided a huge advantage in laying out the text on my products . this was especially useful on my music magazine front cover to arrange my text to fit around the cover model while maintaining a consistent font style and size . this problem was apparent on my school magazine work as i had to constantly change font size to fit the page , resulting in fonts of inconsistent sizes and no real rhyme or reason.the research into what a house style is also greatly affected my final products as it added that extra consistency that is crucial in a magazine looking official and professional. it was also important in making each page look connected as maintaining a unique yet consistent style throughout will really add to the product's overall quality. color scheme was also a crucial piece of progress that needed to be made for my final products . on my school magazine pages , my colour scheme was very plain and drab . this really did the magazine a disservice and did not really fit the theme of a school magazine. i learned from this mistake while producing my music magazine pages. for these , i used an electric blue to fit in with the electro style and genre of the magazine . i then used an orange to compliment the blue and really make the text stand out.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Question 6

Monday, 25 April 2016

Question 3

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups ?
my music magazine primarily focuses on the electro music genre . so of course my magazine will primarily display and represent electro music artists . however , i have chosen to go against the typical representation of an electro artist. this is shown in the way my model (Sam) dresses. as typical electro artists dress in fairly casual attire like hoodies and t shirts , i chose to have Sam wear far more formal clothing such as a suit jacket. this immediately brings the connotation of being more wealthy and higher class  . this will also represent aspirers as it shows a young man who has aspired to and found great success. this all represents the overall electro fan/artist social group in a very positive way that will appeal to my audience. the overall formal representation is also shown in his hair as it is very neat and slick . which is usually associated with the 40s/50s or the upper class. again linking in with the formal representation . the age range , 17-25 year olds , is again presented in a very positive way as they are represented as having high aspirations and being successful .the representation of them being rude/anti social is gone against too as Sam is looking directly into the camera with a very calm expression . directly addressing the audience in a pleasant manor . the text in my double page spread again conforms to the representation of electro fans being aspirers . this is shown in the way Sam says " i cant stress how happy i am to be where i am " which shows the gratefulness and humbleness of the electro social audience are represented as being quite young and well versed in technology . so i have included icons and links to the 3 most popular social media platforms: twitter , Facebook and Instagram.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

development of 3 products : front cover,contents page , double page spread

magazine final cover

For my magazine final cover I have stuck to a consistent house style. This includes the use of fonts , the font sizes and the color scheme. For my color scheme i have primarily used an electric blue to match the electric genre of the magazine. I have also used orange as it compliments the blue and provides a fair amount of variation on the cover. The masthead font used is reminiscent of 80s movie posters or those of a similar style ( e.g. Drive) again , to fit in with the 80s electro genre. i also added a neon blue glow to the masthead to give it the appearance of a neon sign and to give the sign a bit of depth and make it stand out form the other pieces of text on the cover. The pug used on the cover also fits in with the house style as it utilizes roughly the same colors and the same font as the other articles of text on the cover. Anchorage text for the cover uses a fairly plain text with a bold white colour. This is to make the text appear more professional and to make it stand out from the rest of the text . This is also achieved by the way it is a lot brighter than any of the other text to make it stand out alot more.