Tuesday, 8 December 2015

House style

House Style
 house style is the way a magazine designs and lays out their products . this links to the magazine's brand and is used to set out a recognizable style for the magazine . Features of a house style can include the magazine's color scheme, masthead and maybe even a logo . By using the same layout and design , it makes their product more recognizable and also looks more professional and consistent .

 These magazines have quite a varied house style . the mastheads appear to shift between two variations  , either the "EM" logo or the plain text saying " electronic MUSICIAN" . These mastheads also vary in color , the only exception being that the E in EM is always white , while the other letter is usually in a different and bright color.  The color scheme on the 2nd mastheads.

the reason for doing this is to get a general idea of what the magazine genre is about and what its usual features are . By doing this , it will help my magazine seem more genuine and official which should in turn achieve higher marks.

magazine treatment

this is a basic checklist of the features of my magazine . this will help keep everything in check and provide a sort of to do list for my final production.