Monday, 30 November 2015

My masthead designs

the font i will use for my masthead will be the bottom font , however , the title will instead be "Derezz" instead of "Synth"  as i feel the name fits in more with the electronic music theme of the magazine . the colour scheme of the mastheads will primarily be monochrome , but with an edge of colour or the outline of the text will be in colour . these will be in a neon colour to fit in with the 80s electro theme .

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Key concepts of NME magazine

The institution that produces NME magazine is called Time inc , which is owned by Time Warner. Which was formed by the merger of Time inc and Warner communications in 1990. The audience of NME is quite a broad one , NME typically covered indie rock artists but recently has branched more into the pop genre . By looking at this , the assumption can be made that the target audience of the magazine is around the area of 16-25 year olds . this is because the artists reported about in the magazines tailor to that target audience . Representation is also a key concept in these magazines . in the sense that each magazine will represent an artist in their own way . For example , if reporting on an a certain artist gains the magazine more readers/population then they will represent him/her in a more positive way to further increase the magazine's popularity and in turn profit . They will also try to feature said artist more frequently if they increase their sales. Magazines can also go against typical representations in order to gain more attention . For example , if an article was written about an unpopular/disliked artist displaying them in a more likable and positive manor , this could be seen as more unique and more interesting as it is offering a new representation and perspective on a topic.

VIBE magazine contents page and article analysis

Monday, 9 November 2015

music genres

Niche audience
 A niche audience is a very small and selected audience with a very unique and specific interest . An example would be music fans who only like clarinet electro synth . If that's a thing ...


improved school magazine cover

magazine feedback

music magazine analysis number two

Sunday, 8 November 2015

survey results/feedback

For question 1 , 83% of responses said that i should covers should suite the school's colour scheme.
For question 2, 55% of responses said the main image should be in the centre , 33% left and 16% right.
For question 3 , 33% of responses said the font type should be bold , 50% said professional and 16% said playful.
For question 4, 66% of responses suggested the main image should be of a student ,16% said of  the new build and 16% said it should be of a classroom.
For question 5 , 33% or responses said my cover should include 2 cover lines , 50% said 4 and 16% said 5.

To conclude , conforming to the majority votes from my survey , my magazine cover should have :
The school's colour scheme
A main image in the centre of the page
A professional looking font style
A main image of a student/students
4 cover lines